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River Roast Coffee

Who we are

Small batch coffee roastery located in the Tampa, Florida area. We only source the highest quality 100% Arabica green coffee from around the world and roast upon order so you are always guaranteed to have the freshest coffee possible to enjoy your way.

Please Note: This coffee is freshly roasted for you after you place your order. Please allow approximately one week for your coffee to be ready for pickup or delivery.

Coffee Peak

Current Offering

Origin: Guatemala

Profile: Light Roast

Region:  Huehuetenago

Variety:  Bourbon, Catimor, Caturra, Maragogype, Pache

Process Method:  Washed

Farm: Guaya'b Asociacion Civil

Altitude:  1400-2200 masl (meters above sea level)

Notes: Pecan with mellow dried grapefruit flavors, tart acidity, smooth mouthfeel.

About the Producer

Guaya'b Asociacion Civil is a group of coffee and honey producers in Jacaltenango, Huehuetenango, Guatemala.
The association was established in 1998 with 54 producers and
achieved their Fair Trade and Organic certifications in 1999.
Their members are entirely from the Popti', Kanjobal and Mam ethnic groups, who practice ancestral practices that are respectful of the natural environment.
This cooperative is also Bird Friendly Certified, which is a certification developed in the late 1990s to conserve habitat and protect migratory songbirds by the Smithsonian Institute. Bird Friendly habitat ensures a mix of foliage cover, tree height, and biodiversity that creates quality habitat for birds and other wildlife. This certification provides farmers with a premium for their products, and because of stringent growing standards, the Bird Friendly program is also a critical asset in fighting climate change.


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